[This is an example of what you might find in a real museum or visitor centre; it is not an actual installation. The only place you can see the real thing and play the game at the moment is in my flat. However you can see a video of one and look at actual game results, for example game 34 shows results of a real game played in February 2024.]
This is where you can find the information you need to enjoy Greening the Spark so you can make the most of your visit. Here are your options:
- To learn more about it: go to the background information page
- To see what it does: watch the grid control panel working and see the sun and wind powering the solar and wind farms
- If you want “hands-on”: you can take control and be a real-time grid operator, trying to satisfy consumer demand without blackouts or surplus and keeping the storage elements topped up
- If you want a real challenge: you can go into game mode and see if you can keep the grid functioning with time speeded up, terrible weather and limited energy storage. Game results and frequently asked questions are stored in an online database.
Go for it…!
You can also access game results using this QR code:

Note: this part of the site is work in progress; all visitors are required to wear a hard hat.